Petro Bevza

Bevza is the epitome of the new wave of Ukranian artist Graduating from Kyiv State Arts Academy in 1985, he took full advantage of Perestroika to strike out as an independent soul, free from the shackles that previously bound Soviet artists. He was fortunate to have a number of his initial post-graduate creations selected by members of the Soviet elite. His independence was rewarded; his leadership enhanced. It allowed him to continue his creative exploration and becoming a guiding force in the post-reform art community. Recognized as one of a new generation of talented contemporary artists, he was invited to a number of domestic and international expositions traveling to France, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Sweden, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania and Russia among other European countries. He was introduced to North America through exhibits in New York, Washington D.C. and Atlanta prior to his debut in Canada at the Bezpala Brown Gallery. In 1996, Bevza was awarded the Salon International D’ART Contemporain prize in Nice, France, which led to his work being placed in the Galerie Robin-Leadouze just off the Champs-Elysees. Fifty percent of his work sold in one evening. He has seen the value of his paintings skyrocket over the last decade. His creations have been placed in numerous private and public collections throughout Europe and in private North American placements. Bevza uses seemingly luminescent colour. No matter what light strikes a Bevza work, a stream of colour responds – his paintings carry their own light source. The spirituality of his newest series, Foot of Destiny, breathes light eternal into each work. It has the potential to place Bevza in the elite of live contemporary artists worldwide touching the onlooker’s soul without alienating. It is spirit distinct from religion bringing people of all faiths together.